
Surecatch Poddy Mullet Trap (Clear Plastic)

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Surecatch Bait Trap - Clear plastic Poddy Mullet Trap

Fish with live bait for results that will blow your mind. First of all, you have to catch the baits and there is no easier way to pickup fresh live baits than with the Surecatch Bait Trap. You’ll get baits such as poddy mullet and prawns and you’ll also get a host of others. The Surecatch Bait Trap also doubles as a berley bucket, so when you’re not catching livies for the bigger hooks you can use you Surecatch Bait Trap to berley up a storm. The trap is made of Clear Plastic, is compact and fits easily into any fishing kit.

Berley is key all the time. If you want to get the fish on the chew you must use berley, if you want to keep them there, hunting around your bait, you should also continue to berley. If you’re unsure about the best way to berley up, there are many commercially produced berley mixes that will be perfect for in your sure catch. For those a little more berley savvy, feel free to insert your own special secret mix into the Surecatch Bait catcher.

Remember your Surecatch poddy mullet trap is a dual purpose wonder. It’s berleying and live bait collecting in the one tool so, this is great for reducing the load in your kit. Berley can be very smelly but your Surecatch cleans very easily. For the best way to catch your live baits, just put some small pieces of bread inside the barrel and place it where the bait is congregating. The Sure catch Bait trap is very inexpensive, lightweight, compact and for sale now. Fish live baits and Fish big.

Features and Specifications

  • Clear Plastic construction
  • Dual berley and live bait catcher
  • Compact and light yet robust
  • Suitable for catching most types of commonly used live baits


  • Doubles as a live bait catcher and berley bucket
  • Lightweight yet robust and compact enough to carry in your kit all the time
  • Catching live bait is a heap of fun in itself and there is no better bait than live bait
  • Berley is crucial, having a good berley bucket you can carry all the time just make good fishing sense.

Catch your own live bait with the Surecatch Bait Trap then berley up with the same tool. It doesn’t get better than a two in one. These guys are really affordable and make an excellent addition to your fishing kit. For sale now.


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