Jarvis Walker

Keeper Net Bag - Jarvis Walker

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Jarvis Walker Keeper Bag

Let’s talk about keeping your catch fresh. The easiest way to ensure your catch is fresh is to keep your catch alive. There are a whole host of reasons for doing this with possibly the most important being the prevention of contamination through spoiling via bacteria and other nasties. It simple, dead flesh requires the appropriate storage, particularly when it is destined for human consumption. This is something that just about all of us knows but rarely does. You see and angler on the wharf, rocks or beach with an ice laden esky in which to store captured and killed fish. Boat anglers are the exception here with even the smallest tinnies having appropriate ice filled storage or refrigeration with which they store their catch.

In the absence of suitable refrigeration, your best bet is to keep your catch alive. While aerated buckets and live tanks are perfect, they are hardly particle for many of our fishing locations. Of course, so many anglers carry buckets but all too often a quick look at an anglers bucket will reveal a bunch of dead fish in a bucket with no water or, a bunch of fish dead or dying in a bucket filled with filthy oxygen starved water. This is a very poor way to store your catch and can even become dangerous.

The solution really is quite simple. Purchase a Keeper Bag. They are very easy to store, transport and clean. When a fish is caught you can add it to your keeper bag and hang the bag back into the oxygen rich, and replenished, water in which it came from. Your fish stays alive until it is time to leave, or clean the catch properly. The Jarvis Walker Mesh Draw string Hang Pack is just about perfect for the application. It really is an essential part of your kit.

Features and Specifications

  • Manufactured from durable Nylon
  • Mesh Size: 50mm
  • Can be used as a berley bomb or fish scaler
  • Approx length of bag: 1 metre


  • Alive or dead, your catch remains fresh stored in the water from which they came. The net keeps them safe from being lost to wave action or opportunistic predators.
  • The net is very easy to store in your kit. You have an excellent device for storing catch the does away with the need for large eskies of big aerated buckets.
  • The keeper bag is lightweight and versatile. It is fantastic for use from the boat, the rocks and your local jetty.

The Jarvis Walker Mesh keeper net is so very affordable and a critical part of your kit. If you don’t have one you should really put one in your trolley now. Don’t worry if you think you can’t store enough, they hold a surprisingly large number of fish. If you expect to be catching larger fish, or big numbers, it really is not load to carry a couple of keeper nets in your fishing bag.


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