
Decoy Round Lure Snaps

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Decoy Round Lure Snaps

There’s two very good reasons to use a good round snap when you’re fishing with hard body lures in particular. And a top shelf snap is the Decoy Round Lure Snap. The first reason is that you get the best action from your lure. Tying your leader directly to the lure will definitely kill lure action. This is the last thing you want. Using a snap swivel will also deaden the action. A snap swivel is unnecessary as the vast majority of hard body lures do not promote twist – twist mitigation being the main reason for the swivel. For minnows to cranks and even squid jigs and some soft plastics, use a Decoy Round Lure Snap and watch your bait swim at its absolute best.

The second reason for using a Decoy Round Lure Snap is the quick change factor. For many an angler the quick change factor has been vital in getting a good result from a particular location.

For example, Robert and Debby are drifting down stream peppering the banks with top water lures for Bass. After countless runs and no fish Debby spots some deeper snags approaching and quickly changes to a deep running hard body. In seconds she un-snaps her popper, snaps on a crank, casts and gets smashed immediately, landing a 40cm plus Bass.

Robert spotted the snags as well and he had the same idea. Unfortunately for Robert, his leader was tied directly to the lure. By the time he had untied, struggled with new knots it was time to net Debby’s catch. Opportunity lost Robert.

Unless you are an obsessed boy scout, tying knots can become an outright pain. This is often the case when Barra fishing. Barra are notoriously fussy about colour. It’s not out of the question to go through half your lure range and quite some hours before you find a colour that happens to spark some interest. A Decoy Round Lure Snap saves you a whole heap of frustration as a lure change is completed in a matter seconds. Remember, if your lures isn’t in the water, you’re not catching fish. Grab a selection of Decoy Round Lure Snaps and add them to your terminal tackle arsenal.

Features and Specifications

  • Type:  Round snaps
  • Construction:  Hypower Stainless steel
  • Finish:  Double Black Nickle Plate
  • Smallest snap in its class
  • Sizes: When ordering choose from either : 00 (8mm/18lb),  Size 0 (9mm/20lb), Size 1 (10mm/22lb)  or Size 1.5 (11mm/25lb)
  • Quantity in a packet: 13 Snaps

Note: Price is for 1 packet only – Choose your size when ordering


  • Your lure will perform constantly at peak resulting in a more attractive action and therefore more fish.
  • The Decoy Round Lure Snaps allows for speedy lure changes. Ideal for when the action goes from dead to purple patch.
  • Keeps your lure in the water longer when regular changes are required. Ultimately, this has to result in more fish.

Grab one pack  or a selection of Decoy Round Lure Snaps to cover a range of scenarios now. There an essential tool for every lure angler. Believe us when we tell you, they will save a lot of time and frustration. Select the best, use Decoy Round Lure Snaps for sale now.


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