Crewsaver Brand Products For Sale
Few who have spent their lives on the water would not have heard of the famous Crewsaver. Since 1957 Crewsaver have been saving the lives of mariners, professional and recreational watersports enthusiasts. Many decades have now past, and Crewsaver are still making the most exceptional life vests and PFD’s on the market. An industry favourite, the British based company Crewsaver are well known for developing marine safety products that exceed compulsory regulatory specifications.
Fishing and boating safety is taken very seriously by the team at the fishing tackle shop. This is why we have Crewsaver PFD’s for sale – we know our customers are serious about water safety too.

Crewsaver Life Jackets for Sale
Fortunately, many of us have finally got the message about being uncompromising with water safety. Here at the fishing tackle shop, we field plenty of your questions about PFD’s. This demonstrates that our customers are keen to embrace water safety as a priority. While safety is king, choosing Crewsaver brand is so much more than safety.
Crewsaver have put serious consideration into the types of activities we enjoy on the water. They also know that one of the reasons anglers, in particular, fail to wear their life jackets is because PFD’s, traditionally, are so uncomfortable. Not only are they uncomfortable, but they also restrict freedom of movement.
With the Crewsaver models stocked at the fishing tackle shop, freedom of movement, comfort, and safety go hand in hand. Check out our Crewsaver PFD’s for sale. You’ll discover they are ideal for fishing, kayaking, sailing, and more – professional or recreational.
While Crewsaver may cost a little more than your average brand, what price the life of a loved one. Water sports are more fun when you’re confident you and your loved ones are safer.