Bomber Fishing Lures For Sale
So what’s this famous American Bass lure brand, a legend in the United States, doing swimming about the top end of Australia? It turns out there’s no better fishing lure brand than Bomber Lures for attacking Australia’s most iconic fish, the Barramundi. Whether you cast it or troll it, Barra success is most definitely assured. Few Northern Australian anglers will hit the rivers without a Bomber Lure. They wouldn’t dare, they wouldn’t catch as many massive Barramundi.
Whether you cast it or troll it, Barra success is most definitely assured. Few Northern Australian anglers will hit the rivers without a Bomber Lure. They wouldn’t dare, they wouldn’t catch as many massive Barramundi.

Bomber Lures for Sale
Here, in Australian waters, the Bomber lure quickly gained the same level of fame via the same level of success it enjoyed in The States. The Bomber is a genuine Barramundi sensation. It’s an essential weapon in every top end angler’s arsenal. The Bomber is not just a one trick wonder, however. The bomber is a prince of versatility.
Bomber Lures are easy to work. They’re ideal for tossing at the bank edges, into mangroves or drag behind your boat at whatever speed suits the fish.
Bomber Lures are useful offshore as well as inshore. The Bomber is particularly robust, which is good because Trevally love them - and Trevally are well known for making short work of weak lures.
Mangrove Jack, another fish that laughs at weak lures, also chases the Bomber with severe aggression. As we all know, the Jack has never been a fair fighter, and they’ll do their best to drag you back into the structure. Bomber Lures strength ensures you have half a chance when the inevitable happens.
Get a Bomber Lure bargain here at the fishing tackle shop. Our prices are competitive, and your next Northern fishing trip won’t be nearly as hot without a bomber lure on your leader.