Black Magic Tackle

Black Magic Sabiki Rigs

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Black Magic Sabiki bait catching jigs – Sabiki Rig

If there is another more fun, more exciting way to collect live bait fish, we are yet to see it. If you haven’t seen what the Black Magic Sabiki bait catching jigs do when cast into a school of baitfish, it’s worth getting a jig or two to see for yourself. It is not uncommon at all to see every hook with a fish on it. Literally within minutes you can fill your live tanks and be heading off to hit the monsters with your perky live baits.

Bait fish are everywhere, this is not just a rig for the boaties. Land based anglers will also clean up on the best of baitfish using the Black Magic Sabiki bait catching jigs. All they need to do is have the correct kit to be able to store them and keep them alive when you land them. The humble 10-20 litre bucket is ideal. You might like to try the folding bucket for sale here on this site; it’s perfect for packing light. The next requirement is an aerator. Your fish will require oxygenated water. The more fish, the more oxygen. Feed them oxygen and they will remain as perky and jumpy for much longer. There is no need to buy bait at all when you have a Black Magic Sabiki bait catching jig.

You will find that the Black Magic Sabiki bait catching jigs are often far cheaper than a bag or block of frozen gar or pilchards, and fresh or live baits are far superior to anything you can pull from a freezer. Big fish love live baits. So, if you want to catch a monster, fish live, and get your live baits using the Black Magic Sabiki Rig. It’s a whole bunch of fun all to itself. The kids will have a ball catching baitfish and so will you. The Black Magic Sabiki bait catching jigs are for sale now.

Features and Specifications

  • Hooks – sharp bait fish size
  • Rigging: strong mono fishing line
  • Bomb sinker is included and attached to each rig
  • Colours – When ordering choose from Midnight Mackerel (lumo) or Pink Shrimp
  • Sizes: When ordering Choose from Sabiki Rig Size #4 hooks, #7 or #10 (Size 4 is the smallest hook model and size 10 is the largest)
  • Ideal to catch mullet, yellow tail yakka, sprat, garfish, mackerel, herring and other small bait fish.

Notes: Images are for reference only – price is only for 1 rig choose preferred colour/size when ordering.


  • Sabiki Rigs make a very fast method for catching fresh bait.
  • Fill the live tanks in no time at all. You can be out hunting for the target in super-fast time.
  • Prefab rigs simply connect to the mainline. No rigging required other than the single knot to your main line.
  • Multiple hooks pretty well always get multiple hook ups.
  • Catching bait with this method is a huge amount of fun especially for kids.

Black Magic Sabiki bait catching jigs are not just excellent for collecting fresh bait fish it is incredible amounts of fun and excitement. The kids will love using the Sabiki Rig and go crazy as 3 or 4 Slimy or Yakka come up in on the retrieve. Your live tanks will be full in no time. Fresh is best.


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