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Aniseed Fishing Soap (lot of 3)

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Aniseed Fishing Soap (lot of 3)

It doesn’t matter how often you wash your hands following a fishing trip, a residual smell of fish seems to remain. No, it’s not that you have fish up your nose. As we all know, getting the smell of fish from your hands is an age old problem, particularly after handling pillies all day.

Well, it needn’t be an issue. Ask your grandfather as I bet he’s been carrying Aniseed soap in his kit for years and there are more benefits than simply removing the smell of fish guts from your hands.

You might have heard Aniseed soap referred to as “fisherman’s soap” or “fish soap” because Aniseed soap has been used for decades as part of the fisherman’s cleaning ritual. It really helps to remove fish smell!

Now created is an Aniseed soap bar that Fishing Tackle Shop sells in packs of 3 bars. It’s easy to carry and ideal for stopping the spread of ‘the smell’. You know the smell, it’s that smell that makes it way on to your seat belt and steering wheel, your wallet, keys and all you touch. Well it needn’t happen. Use Aniseed soap, or “fisherman’s soap” and the problem is solved.

A conscientious angler will also wash their hands with fisherman’s soap prior to handling bait and kit. When we handle bait, we pass on our human scent. Fish can smell it and it will make them jittery on the bite. Use fisherman’s soap to wash of all the chemicals on your hands prior to handling flesh baits, live baits and lures. Fish really don’t like the smell of fuel, insect spray, sunscreen, oil and the BBQ sauce you have on your hands.

As a rule, ensure you wash your hands with Aniseed soap prior to rigging and casting. You’ll notice the difference. More fish!

Get some Aniseed fish soap, put it in your kit and make it a part of your fishing routine. It’s inexpensive, long lasting and easy to carry.

Features and Specifications

  • Contains anise essential oil
  • Sold in packs of 3 blocks
  • Bio-degradable
  • Ideal for fresh water but is also possible to offer a slight lather in saltwater.
  • Mask oils and odours on your hands that may detract fish.


  • Finish a fishing session with clean, fresh smelling hands.
  • Remove human scents and artificial toxins from your hands. Your bait and kit stays clean, attracting more fish and more aggressive strikes.
  • Eliminate the age old problem of cross contaminating all of your stuff with the smell of fish guts.
  • Ultimately, increases you chances of catching more fish, particularly when the bite is a little timid.

Aniseed Fisherman’s soap should become a core part of your kit. It is effective, inexpensive and has plenty of benefits when used prior to fishing and after a day on the water. Get your 3 pack now and freshen up. Aniseed fisherman’s soap for sale now.


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